Thursday, January 23, 2014

New coat

Here is my new coat with a light weight wool that I purchased from Peggy Sagers a while back. It is Butterick 5685.  I made a size 12 in shoulders and 14 throughout body. Wovens have been a problem for me getting good mobility across the back.  My closet is full of knits for this reason.  I went to a fitting class by Connie Crawford this past year and she said I always need to narrow up my shoulders add just a little bit and add 1/4" to the back of the sleeve curve.  What she had me do was start at the notch on the sleeve taper out to 1/4" from sleeve then taper back to sleeve top notch. It is amazing that such a little thing can make such a difference in fit. I do other adjustments but thought someone else might benefit from knowing this fitting idea. Basically she says I have prominent scapulas.  Yeah now I can try making more things with woven fabric.  Still love knits the best.  Easy to care for! Happy Sewing to all!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My first post

Not sure if I am doing this correctly but here goes.  This is my first project of the year. It is V8693. I made a size 14 but narrowed the shoulders to a size 12.  I also lowered the waist 1" since on my muslin it was a bit too high where the "wings" as I call them hit my side. The fabric I got out of my stash but it was originally purchased at Joann's. the instructions were easy to follow.  I have joined a group that are committed to not purchasing any ready to wear but will make all their clothes.  I was tempted today to buy a top for yoga but went to Joann's instead and they had some nice fabric for workout clothes. Yeah!  Notice the ice on the fountain behind me. We are in Georgia!